Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pastor Aaron B. McCorkle, Jr. - Never Said You Were Leaving (feat. Mantiz)

Well... I didn't get him a photoshoot just yet so we're going with this pic he refers to as "The Look" LOL. Wow, um... Ladies and gents, I would like you all to meet Pastor Aaron B. McCorkle, Jr. Pastor... Singer... Songwriter... Musician... Producer... Entrepreneur... my dad.

I finally have a song with him... That's dope. The content of this particular piece makes it more special. I noticed that the love he still has for my grandfather is what somewhat channels yet directly mirrors my love for him. It's hard not having a grandfather around but that bond between father and son... beyond understanding. I believe it's because of these relationships why I want you a lil' boy when it's time for children. Nonetheless, rest in peace Big A. And thank you Lord for filling these voids. I see you Pops.

Follow him @Profitik on Twitter and "Like" his official Facebook page. Shoutout to my babygirl Melodik Tonez too.

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