Sunday, July 8, 2012

Nard Dinero's "Money And Girls" Shoot

I had the opportunity of meeting young Nard years ago... I've claimed as my lil' brother ever since. It goes beyond his talent. Way beyond talent. We just got a connection past understanding. He's knows that if he calls AND I answer, it's everything not just whatever. And I couldn't miss out on his video shoot to his monster single "Money And Girls"... I had the chance to record, mix, and master this joint. You can say it's "by default" that he selected me for the remix... *shrug* but hey, I'll be all over that thang. Salute Randy Roper and our entire Million Dollar Dreamz family for taking Nard under their umbrella... It can only get better from here. Fader.

Oh yeah and um... Nard is gonna be featured on "The Preface II: Autocracy"... November 6th.

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