Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mantiz & Jah Jah - Slow It Down

Say mayne... I'ma South Carolinian by birth and nature. But it's something about the culture of Houston, Texas that just makes me WISH I was from there. No disrespect to my home, it's just those places in life that'll always be like a getaway for you and you KNOW you can always go there to clear your mind. This city does that for me. 

So when me and Jah were working on our "We Came We Saw" project (which is still gonna come... we just gotta pick all the right records), this was one of the first records we did. It's not MY record featuring him, it's our record together. And now with "27" coming, I felt it was only right to present such a record to a city I love and that has actually showed me love back, no disrespect to my home again. But R.I.P. DJ Screw and DJ Michael Price... And salute to OG DJ Darryl Scott.

And I don't want nobody outchea sayin "oh he think he from Texas now" or "he tryna get shine off that Houston shit" either. I'm just sayin one time for the H, man. Holup.

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